Mr Tom DuByne, taught high school chemistry and physics at Haslett High for 40 years and has passed away at the age of 74 on 2 June, 2011.
He was very professional, very smooth teaching style. Always had a full lecture ready to go. He was a friendly, patient and pleasant person. Liked to use colored chalk.
Some days we would come in the classroom and there is this big complicated drawing on the chalkboard, all different colors. He must have spent hours on it and then it gets erased. Should have made photos of that chalkboard art.
Mr DuByne taught by objectives. When he first explained about teaching by objectives I had never heard of such a thing. It was the way the military taught, he said. At the beginning of each chapter he would read the objectives, or have us, take turns reading the objectives. Each objective was a statement outlining the skill or ability you are expected to obtain by study and instruction. And each chapter had 10 or 20 objectives. He was a great teacher. Chemistry is a difficult subject. He also taught physics.
His classes were fun, he was funny, he made science interesting. I remember him speaking about entropy.
He would start with a practical example like ” It takes energy to clean up and organize my workshop. But without that applied energy everything degrades into chaos”. Something like that.
He had medical issues such that he was not able to be in the military. No kneecap, his kneecap was missing from birth. He did sometimes complain a little about that. Just had to avoid bumping into things with it. But I think that it bothered him a little, not to have any war stories. Just the way he spoke of it.
Here is a link to his facebook fan club site
Obit from LSJ: Tom DuByne 74, of Haslett, retired Haslett High School science teacher, died Friday. Memorial services 11 a.m. Tuesday at Presbyterian Church of Okemos. Arrangements by Gorsline Runciman Funeral Homes, East Chapel, East Lansing.
Rest in peace, Mr D.
Thanks to Chad Spawr for the newsletter with the news from Haslett.